Ways to get involved


Church Service

Join us any Sunday at 10am.


Bible Basics

A casual place to explore what God says


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are your services like?

    On Sunday mornings at Hope, we take time away from our busy lives to gather around God’s Word. In every service, we hear the two main messages of the Bible: that we have sinned and deserve punishment from God, but that He forgives our sins in Christ out of his never-ending love.

  • How long are services?

    Services at Hope are usually about an hour, but no longer than 75 minutes.

  • What is your worship style?

    At Hope, our worship is a modern take on historical worship practices. Every Sunday we follow of pattern of worship. We sing songs, speak responses from God’s Word, hear lessons from the Bible, and have about a 20 minute sermon based on one of those lessons. 

    Our goal is for our music to be accessible for everyone. We have a worship team, but their goal is to lead participation, not to give a performance. We’ll always make sure the music is either on the screen or printed for you, and we’ll do our best to teach new songs when we sing them in worship.

  • Is childcare available?

    We believe that it is important for children to be a part of worship. During every service, we will offer a Children’s Bible Story so that children can learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate way. We welcome kids of all ages in worship, and we won’t be bothered if and when they make noise. Parents can take children who need a break out into the covered hallway, where there is a speaker so you can still hear and see what's going on inside. In the future, we will have a staffed nursery available from the start of the sermon through the end of the service. 

  • What does your church believe?

    We are a Christian church. We believe that every person was born into this world as a sinner, completely unable to save themselves. But God solved that problem of sin by sending his son Jesus into the world to live the perfect life that we could not, die on the cross to pay for our sins, and rise from the dead to give eternal life in heaven to all who believe. You can read more about our church beliefs here.

  • Where do I park for services?

    Street parking is available on Heights Blvd as well as on 18th Street. There is also a parking lot at the Heights Opera, just south of the Saengerbund that is available on Sunday mornings.

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