Glorify God, love one another, serve others.
The mission of Hope Lutheran Church is to glorify God in every aspect of our ministry, to love one another just as Christ has loved us, and to share God's love as we serve others in our community and beyond.

We are a church that is Christ centered - Everything we do at Hope is compelled by the good news of Jesus and centered on his Word and promises given to us in the Bible.
We are a church that serves selflessly - We strive to put the needs of others above our own. We do this by volunteering our time both inside and outside the church to show the selfless love that Jesus has shown us.
We are a church that equips God’s people - We believe that God has given every believer unique callings to serve him in every aspect of their lives. At Hope, we offer high quality biblical education for people of all ages in order to equip them to fulfill those God-given callings.
We are a church that feels like home - We want you to feel welcome in our church. Through social activities, service opportunities, and our weekly Sunday gatherings, we hope to create a community that feels like a family.
We are a church that gathers for worship – Every week we take time out of our busy lives to find rest in God’s promises for us. We do this to glorify God, as well as to encourage one another. *

Hope Lutheran is a new church in the Houston Heights area. Our founding members and families came together to build a community to worship and serve alongside our neighbors.
We are a Christian church. We believe that every person was born into this world as a sinner, completely unable to save themselves. But God solved that problem of sin by sending his son Jesus into the world to live the perfect life that we could not, die on the cross to pay for our sins, and rise from the dead to give eternal life in heaven to all who believe.
We are a Lutheran Church. The Lutheran faith can be summed up in three words: grace, faith, and Scripture. We believe we are saved not by any good deeds we do or any pledge we make to God, but only by his grace shown to us in Jesus. We believe that through faith in Jesus, his perfect life is gifted to us, and our sins stand forgiven because of his death. We believe that Scripture is God’s pure, inspired word, which he gave to us so that we would believe in him and have eternal life with him in heaven.
We are a Biblical church. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, which he gave us out of his goodness and love so that we could believe in the message of Jesus and be saved. Everything we believe and teach at Hope comes from the Bible, because it is the only place we hear the unique message of God’s unrelenting love for humankind.
We belong to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Being a part of a synod (a large group of churches) allows us to be involved with more ministries than we possibly could on our own. Those ministries include an excellent pastor and teacher training system, humanitarian aid efforts both nationally and internationally, and global mission work. You can learn more about our church body here.
Since I was eleven years old, I knew I wanted to be a pastor. Since then, I’ve been through eight years of training between college, seminary, and an intern year in Thornton, Colorado. In July 2019, my wife Emilee and I arrived in Houston, and I could not be more excited to begin full time pastoral ministry. There are so many things that excite me about Houston: the food, the thriving Inner Loop area, and being back in Texas (I grew up in Allen). But the thing I’m most looking forward to is sharing the saving message of Jesus with the growing, diverse population of Houston.
If you would like more information about Hope, have a spiritual question, or just want to say hi, you can contact me at pastorandrew@hopeintheheights.com.

If you would like to know more about what we believe, we offer a free Bible Basics class that covers the basic teachings of the Bible in a relaxed, discussion-based manner. This class is meant for people from any religious or spiritual background. It’s meant to be a place to ask life’s big questions and see what the Bible says about them. Scheduling is very flexible, and new classes start all the time. If you’re interested, email Pastor Andrew.