Beyond Logo

Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20 (CEB)

Say Hello to the Future Home of Hope in the Heights!
Hope Main Rendering (1)

Pledge Form

Help support our Capital Campaign!

Beyond started as a campaign to raise funds for the purchase of a full-time ministry facility for Hope Lutheran Church. The first phase of our campaign was successful and we were able to secure our new home structure.

With the purchase of our building, additional remodel funds were needed to transform the space into our worship home. For phase two of this campaign, we asked our members and friends of Hope to give above and beyond their normal offerings, whether that is a one-time gift, a two-year commitment, or both. Additionally, we introduced a 2-1 match and we are blessed to announce the goal has been met!

We praise God for his faithfulness during the search and are excited to move into our future church location to spread the life-saving message of Jesus to our community.

Blessings Multiplied

While we are taking steps into the construction phase, we ask you to consider giving so we can cover any unexpected expenses that may arise.

Offerings can be made via check, online with Tithely, or by a donation of stocks.

  • Checks can be given to Ryan Hildebrandt. If you wish to donate investments, please speak with Mark Hartman.

Ready to make a capital campaign contribution?

Through, we are able to offer convenient and secure online donations. You can make a one-time or recurring donation by clicking the button below. Please select our GROW FUND for all Capital Campaign Contributions.